Iccha SethiTying Engineering Metrics to Business MetricsMost engineering organizations I’ve worked in or led have tracked some form of engineering metrics. These range from simple metrics like…Nov 26, 202411Nov 26, 202411
InQE UnitbyAntoine CraskeQuality Engineering is not Quality Assurance EngineeringQuality Engineering is a paradigm shift in how we act on our software production system.Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023
Davi de Castro ReisTechniques and limitations for experimentsSince I joined Loggi, we have been exploring some techniques for a more data-driven decision making process. In this document I describe…May 9, 2020May 9, 2020
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InWise EngineeringbyLambros CharissisPlatform Engineering KPIsIn this post, we will share our approach to building out KPI trees for our platform engineering teams at Wise (formerly TransferWise)Jul 21, 20226Jul 21, 20226
InThe Glovo Tech BlogbyAngel ParedesBring back the monolithNobody would call me crazy if I state that most companies, that have reached a certain size, have moved from monolith to microservices (and…Nov 21, 20225Nov 21, 20225
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Jaana DoganSamplingYou might come across the mention of sampling in the context of various observability signals such as traces, events or profiles.Aug 3, 20182Aug 3, 20182
InLoggibyDavi de Castro ReisSpraying our bike shed with some new colorsAbout an year and a half ago, Loggi backend codebase mostly consisted of a large Django application, and several "nanoservices", with a…Jun 12, 20201Jun 12, 20201
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Jay PhelpsBackpressure explained — the flow of data through softwareBackpressure is something nearly every software engineer will have to deal with at some point, and for some it’s a frequent problem. But…Feb 1, 201921Feb 1, 201921
Netflix Technology BlogPerformance Under LoadAdaptive Concurrency Limits @ NetflixMar 23, 201823Mar 23, 201823
InPackmindbyCédric Teyton22 tools to compute DORA metricsHave you already heard about the DORA metrics? Through 7 years of research, the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team has identified…Oct 3, 20221Oct 3, 20221
InCodeXbyJack RoperTerraform Best Practices — Testing your codeWhen starting out with Terraform it’s hard to know what is considered ‘best practice’ in a number of areas.Apr 19, 20212Apr 19, 20212